They were up early (9 a.m.) for their first full Irish breakfast in the cafe adjacent the hotel. Paul took an immediatel dislike to black pudding, and sneaked it onto the others' plates for the remainder of the trip. They donned their packs and hiked over to Dublin's Heuston Railway station, less than a mile away, for the 1 p.m. train .... The castle is believed to have been the royal palace of Guaire Aidhne, the legendary king of Connacht and father of the Hynes clan. ...
Plaque two doors down from their hotel. In 1742 the Christchurch Cathedral and St Patrick's Cathedral choirs sang at the world premiere of Handel's Messiah there on Fishamble Street. .... The castle is believed to have been the royal palace of Guaire Aidhne, the legendary king of Connacht and father of the Hynes clan. ...
They were up early (9 a.m.) for their first full Irish breakfast in the cafe adjacent the hotel. Paul took an immediatel dislike to black pudding, and sneaked it onto the others' plates for the remainder of the trip. They donned their packs and hiked over to Dublin's Heuston Railway station, less than a mile away, for the 1 p.m. train .... The castle is believed to have been the royal palace of Guaire Aidhne, the legendary king of Connacht and father of the Hynes clan. ...